Saturday, December 3, 2011

You Are So Beautiful

“You Are So Beautiful”
By: Billy Preston, Bruce Fisher and Dennis Wilson
Performed by: Joe Cocker

“You Are So Beautiful” was originally written and performed by Billy Preston in 1974 after collaborating on the lyrics with friends Bruce Fisher and Dennis Wilson (from The Beach Boys). Preston’s version has a very upbeat, 1970’s School House Rock meets Soul Train vibe, including a prelude of R&B’s usage of the word “baby”.  But it was Joe Cocker who transformed this song into an unforgettable, international hit (and very interestingly enough in the same year as Preston's).

Though Joe Cocker has written original songs/albums he is really a very successful cover performer. But don’t be fooled, Joe Cocker is a true original, including winning a Best Duo Grammy with Jennifer Warnes for the 1982 track song “Up Where We Belong” for the movie An Officer and a Gentleman which also received an Academy Award for Best Original Song. And like originals Joe Cocker was also an original bad-boy of rock and soul.

Cocker’s career took off at the legendary 1969 Woodstock after singing The Beatle’s, “With a Little Help from My Friends” which version became the theme song to the hit tv show The Wonder Years. Man I miss that show.

Like many artists, Cocker struggled with stage freight which most likely explains his drug-induced, crazed, on-stage performances with no lack of flaying arms and seizure-like movements.

He un-apologetically earned the nickname “The Mad Dog” after he and his band members were arrested for getting into a barrel in a hotel (including marijuana possession) while on tour in Australia and then was given 48 hours to leave the country. Shortly after, his band dismembered and Cocker sank deeper into heroin and alcohol, consequently forever damaging his voice, leaving it rasped.  But he didn’t let that stop his career and once he got off heroin he immediately went back to work with his producer, Jim Price, where they came up with the smoother, slowed-down version of “You Are So Beautiful”.


“You are so beautiful
To me
You are so beautiful
To me
Can’t you see?
You’re everything I hope for
You’re everything I need
You are so beautiful
To me

You are so beautiful
To me
You are so beautiful
To me
Can’t you see?
You’re everything I hoped for
Everything I need
You are so beautiful
To me”

I want to first point out Cocker’s version totals 59 words while Preston’s original totals 122 words. Both versions were written without a chorus or you could say the song is JUST chorus…whichever way you want to categorize it- it only adds to the power and intensity of the ballad and I’ll tell you why!

Joe Cocker’s version concentrates on one repeated verse. Why? Why say the same thing twice? Listen to this song. Listen specifically to way he delivers every word. It’s as if he’s assigned a distinctly strong and powerful emotion into each word and note.

If I had to make a ball park guess I think I have listened to this song well over 500 times in my lifetime and I have no doubt Joe Cocker is the gushiest of romantics. I think Cocker knows women. I think he is aware of women’s tendency of needing to be told over and over and OVER again: we are loved, appreciated, desired, admired, craved, and of course… BEAUTIFUL.

So here he is giving us literally what we want (and secretly hate to have to ask for) so the question is: Why on earth is this song so dang popular and played at every freakin’ wedding (including mine) and why have so many already established artist like: Diana Ross, Michael Buble, Perry Como, Doris Day, Celine Dion, etc. made covers of this song too? Answer: Because they ALL want to sing it like Joe Cocker! But what they really don't understand its not just his voice, it's his conviction that makes this song so powerful!

I’ll tell you what makes this song a classic. This is not a song written for new love. This is man’s voice. A well seasoned man’s voice singing from experience, both good and bad. The damage to his voice only makes it that much more gorgeous. Listen again. He gets more intense with every word, shouting even, straining so hard and with all the conviction in the world to REMIND his love how he feels. And I don’t just want to believe it I have proof!

In Preston’s version he wrote, “You are everything I hoped for” and Cocker changed “hoped” to the present “hope”. This was not accidental. And don’t get mixed up here folks, Cocker isn’t saying “hope” because it hasn’t happened yet nooooo he’s talking about a continuous love that exists. A love he approaches in the moment and Cocker’s version is about this moment. “You are” not were, not will be, but ARE. “Can’t you see?” Men are all about efficiency, he's saying in four words what women would say,  “don’t you know how I feel about you? You are everything and I'm still amazed everyday. etc etc etc"

Then he solidifies his devotion by changing to “hoped” in the second verse. Again, not an oversight! Cocker’s recipient has heard how he has felt and what he is promising in the future and here Cocker boasting what he dreamed of came true.

In close, I love this song. Yes, it helps that it’s obvious his biggest musical influence was Ray Charles, I mean the piano sounds like it IS Ray playing and I LOVE Charles’ music (that’s for another day). I rarely listen to this song just once. It’s automatic, I HAVE to repeat it a few times which is a little ironic, I guess I need to hear the words even more! 

I find this ballad to be so acquisitive despite the pounding piano, as it's not soft or romantic, it harsh and sounds as if a child is practicing piano against their will. The words are simple and not forced. Cocker's voice sounds like a gruff, old rancher is singing to his cattle but with some unforeseen force the combination is magical and makes my heart jump up into my throat. 

In a nutshell, Cocker's version is not only one of my top 3 favorite melodies but in a word ... well ...Beautiful.